From the very beginning, God valued a relationship with His creation, and He also designed us in such a way that we were made for each other. Sin not only broke the relationship between mankind and God, but also fractured inter-personal relationships (Cain and Abel, for instance). One of the many gifts of Jesus’ work on the cross is that it reconciled relationships that were broken through sin. Reconciliation is not simply “fixing,” rather it refers to re-establishing the originally intended relationship, bringing harmony and unity instead of disunity, chaos, and frustration.

 NHV Pillar of People. Through the various Life Groups, we seek to create environments that enable us to cultivate Kingdom relationships in order for all of us to live whole lives. Although each has its own flavor, every Life Group is intended to present the entire scope of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, fully transformed, living in our true design.

In order for you to find your best fit, we do make a distinction between two different types of Life Groups. These distinctions come from our desire to Draw Closer, Grow Stronger, and Live Louder.

These Life Groups focus on Spiritual Growth and are largely discussion and study based. We have groups specifically for men, women, and teens, as well as several open groups for anyone who wants to join. Read about our Growing Stronger Life Groups.

These Life Groups focus on Community Outreach as our teams hit the streets to minister to those in need. There are so many great testimonies that come out of these Life Groups that you can read about in our Community Testimonies section. When our lives are changed, we become the agent of change. Find out more about our Living Louder Life Groups.

We also encourage all of our members to Draw Closer to God during our corporate prayer times.

You are encouraged to visit any and all of the groups! Check our Calendar for dates and times or contact the Admin Office for more details.